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Who fosters and helps with AlekSIS?

The Open Source project AlekSIS relies on a network of partners to ensure quality and support
Who fosters and helps with AlekSIS?

AlekSIS itself is a community project, developed by a team of volunteers consisting of professional software developers, students, and teachers. Sponsored and maintained by the non-profit Teckids e.V., this group controls how AlekSIS is developed and presented.

For professional support, and to ensure AlekSIS attains high quality and practical benefit, the project relies on partners that are connected to the project and offer their expertise.

Who fosters and helps with AlekSIS?

Pilot schools

The Katharineum is one of the biggest secondary schools in Lübeck (Germany). A group of students at Katharineum started the predecessor project SchoolApps in 2017, which was merged with another project into AlekSIS in 2020.

Katharineum relies almost exclusively on free open source software and supports AlekSIS’ development by providing important feedback, as well as by hosting development sprints.

The Erik Nölting elementary school in Hattingen, Germany has specifically become a pilot school starting in 2022 to help the AlekSIS project improve the digital class register for use in German elementary schools, whose workflows divert quite a lot from those in secondary schools.

The Free School Schöneberg (FSS) in Berlin with the school grades 1 to 10 has been a pilot school since 2023. In addition to the focus on the joint development of the timetable and substitution planning features, it is interesting that the FSS follows an entirely different approach to structuring the school in general and school days in particular and that it also pursues new pedagogical approaches. The resulting requirements are taken into account in the development of AlekSIS and help it to meet high standards of flexibility and adaptability.

The Herman Nohl school, a bilingual Italian-German primary school in Berlin-Neukölln, has been an AlekSIS pilot school since 2023. A particular focus of the collaboration is on the further development of the class register and lesson planning features, as there are no adequate free solutions available in this area.

Support companies

velocitux provides “professional and green open source support” for a variety of free software products. With their affinity to education, they also offer support for AlekSIS and a range of other applications usable in schools.

Fre(i)e Software GmbH has been founded by Mike Gabriel in 2020, as a professional platform for exclusively contributing to the Free & Libre Open Source ecosystem on enterprise business level.

With AlekSIS and Debian Edu / Skolelinux in their portfolio, the company is active in supporting the use of free software in schools on a supraregional level.