Source code for aleksis.core.checks

from typing import Optional

import django.apps
from django.core.checks import Tags, Warning, register

from .mixins import ExtensibleModel, GlobalPermissionModel, PureDjangoModel
from .util.apps import AppConfig

[docs]@register(Tags.compatibility) def check_app_configs_base_class( app_configs: Optional[django.apps.registry.Apps] = None, **kwargs ) -> list: """Check whether all apps derive from AlekSIS's base app config.""" results = [] if app_configs is None: app_configs = django.apps.apps.get_app_configs() for app_config in filter(lambda c:"aleksis."), app_configs): if not isinstance(app_config, AppConfig): results.append( Warning( f"App config {} does not derive" "from aleksis.core.util.apps.AppConfig.", hint=( "Ensure the app uses the correct base class for all" "registry functionality to work." ), obj=app_config, id="aleksis.core.W001", ) ) return results
[docs]@register(Tags.compatibility) def check_app_models_base_class( app_configs: Optional[django.apps.registry.Apps] = None, **kwargs ) -> list: """Check whether all app models derive from AlekSIS's allowed base models. Does only allow ExtensibleModel, GlobalPermissionModel and PureDjangoModel. """ results = [] if app_configs is None: app_configs = django.apps.apps.get_app_configs() for app_config in filter(lambda c:"aleksis."), app_configs): for model in app_config.get_models(): if not ( set(model.__mro__) & set((ExtensibleModel, PureDjangoModel, GlobalPermissionModel)) ): results.append( Warning( f"Model {model._meta.object_name} in app config {} does " "not derive from aleksis.core.mixins.ExtensibleModel " "or aleksis.core.mixins.GlobalPermissionModel.", hint=( "Ensure all models in AlekSIS use ExtensibleModel (or " "GlobalPermissionModel, if you want to define global permissions) " "as base. " "If your deviation is intentional, you can add the PureDjangoModel " "mixin instead to silence this warning." ), obj=model, id="aleksis.core.W002", ) ) return results